Wednesday, January 31, 2007: being christian
all of a sudden i just realise the importance of standing firm in your faith when you're not in a christian environment. i just realise also that the message that we send as christians in these situations places emphasis more than ever, compared to when we are surrounded by our christian friends. i think for one, there is a need to stand firm more in our beliefs and values set on what God desires, and not be swayed by the secular view.
i suppose this has really been bugging me the past year, being in a country on my own, and so many choices to make, with my faith balanced on a bean pole. there's alot of grey areas that i tend to venture into, and i thus wander away, but i thank God that by His grace He has saved me. but what do the non-believers see when i sin? do what i do make them skeptical about the christian faith? do my actions and what i say make them drift further away from being saved?
isnt what i'm doing, then, destroying the seed that is planted in them and making them less receptive to God's message? but then i stop and think.
that is how great God's power is. when He calls and reaches out to someone, He can do much more than we, who are mere humans, can do. He can make the mountains tremble, He can calm the storms.
i think it is out of humility that i want to submit to his authority, and feel the passion to serve Him and bring others to Him.
was typing this song out just now, which got me started thinking about all of these (: so just to share. haha!
There’s a light in the darkness that shines
Giving hope to all the world
Hope to all the world
There’s a door that’s been open to all
To a new and living way
A new and living way
Praise the name of Jesus
Perfect Redeemer, star of the morning
Yesterday today and forever
Jesus the same
Jesus the same
There’s a fire that burns in our hearts
To see the lost return to the FatherThere’s a passion that’s not of our own
We have seen it in the Son
In the face of the Son
Wonderful Counsellor
Mighty God eternal Father
Prince of PeaceJesus the Same - Hillsong
a shout of praise.
8:19 PM
a shout of praise.
6:21 PM
Tuesday, January 30, 2007: blah.
dont feel like blogging just yet. everyday's just filled with the mundane stuff, running around getting stuff done for my brother, getting stuff for the house, doing uni stuff, nothing really interesting. went furniture shopping on monday, and went out with nat and andrea today! (note change of activities..) furniture is coming tmr, shall post photos up of my room when everything is done.
i've been cooking! (: yes, i CAN cook (: i cooked oyster sauce kailan+fried eggs+minced meat in black sauce+white rice ytd, stir fried beef&kailan+soup+white rice today.. heheheh! quite enjoyable actually, just get quite smelly after cos of the oil and the sauce flicking all over the place. groceries are quite ex here :S so be happy everyone from singapore! you guys get all the cheap stuff! i've been going grocery shopping everyday cos of the lack of ingredients, and i think we've been spending a heck load of money on food :S oh well, at least they last for quite long, so its not that bad. hehe. (:
well, mm, thats about it. tmr will be more exciting :D:D wait for photos! :D
a shout of praise.
7:37 PM
Sunday, January 28, 2007: touched
today at church the childrens minstry staff was sharing with us about crossroad kids, also known as the children's sunday school programme every sunday. she spoke of the prayer requests card that they give out every sunday to these children at crossroads, and these kids will fill them up every week, and the prayer ministry in church will tend to these requests. some of the requests ranged from the really silly, eg, God i pray that my tooth will drop, to the really serious, God i am worried that my parents will get divorced; God i am thankful for the friends at school, i am also worried about the people that bully me in school. i dont understand why they bully me; God i would like to pray for my daddy's finger and that you take away his pain; God i am worried for grandpa's tumour.
when i heard all these innocent prayer requests i almost cried. when you think about these kids, how they so earnestly believe that God
reach out to help them, how they trust that God is always by their side no matter what, How they are so certain that God will help even their what may seem so silly and straightforward prayer requests, i feel so touched by their faith. no wonder Jesus said
"let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" in Luke 18:16.
anyway, i must say i really missed subi church. i miss seeing all those familiar faces. i miss running across the hall with jeannie in tow and screaming "ahhhhh!" with arms wide open to greet people after service (: i miss everything about it. oh well, now i'm back. (: 10 x 4 = 40 more sundays to go! hahaha. i pray i will be useful this year and serve somehow in church!
joash is in school now. the past few days have been quite hectic, going around helping him get his uniform and books and stuff he needs for his new room, and the lazy bum just has no opinion, all he cares about is just about his maplestory. haii. oh well, at least i get the internet all to myself now! i can watch all the youtube i want without interference from him stealing the net away from me. MUAHAHAHAH. its just a little quieter now though, and now i have to off the lights all by myself! :S (my brother sleeps later than me so he usually turns off the light! and i just sleep first.) blahh.
the weather forecast says the weather is going to improve in the next few days! we get more sane temperatures next week! the past few days have been so hot! like 38-42 degrees, i tell you! we can cook eggs on our heads and have it for lunch! :\
meeting andy, nat and esh tmr and furniture shopping on tues! (: excited! ehehheeh :D
a shout of praise.
4:19 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007: H-O-T!!!
its so hot i think i can die!!!
its going to be 39 degrees today. GAHHHH. i'm melting in this heat. ): oh my sky, i cant wait for summer to end and autumn to come.
a shout of praise.
1:23 PM
Thursday, January 25, 2007: what a chore :/
yikes, i Had to vacuum the floor because i could feel the dust. so gross lah! plus dont know how many cobwebs i found in all the corners. i found like 2 spiders already :S i cant wait for debs to come back to help me with the scary housework! i say!
btw, i am Never vacuuming another carpet again! i hope debs likes vacuuming, because i would do anything to trade vacuuming with her! even washing toilet! washing dishes! anything! :S vacuuming sucks. the vacuum cleaner suction thing literally STICKS to the carpet. then it takes so much effort to lift the whole pipe, then you have to go through this tens of thousands of times before you actually cover ONE area. :S !!!!! blah. awful ):
a shout of praise.
10:07 AM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007: back in perth (:
sorry for being mia for quite a while, never go online the few days prior to my leaving, so i couldnt say bye to the people at home, nor say hi to to the people in perth, all thanks to my carelessness, resulting in the cracking of my laptop screen. ): how awful. anyway, so here i'm stuck in perth with nothing to do either, because i didnt arrange anything. i cant really unpack because i have nothing to unpack into, my room is just one big mess of opened luggages, clothes, teddies, hangers, pillows, pastic bags, boxes etc. rather unsightly :S i think yy will get a shock when he comes over to use the house phone to call debs. hahaha, see the mess i've created. BUT FEAR NOT. the mess is only in my room, not the house (:
the flight was awful! the plane was miniscule, PLUS, i didnt get my own entertainment system, and The Queen was such a documentary that it wasnt interesting, and my bum is sore from finding an uncomfortable position to sleep in, which by the way i didnt get much of because of the transiting and the unpadded seats ): oh well, shant complain. but my butt hurts. ):
anyway, i just went to uni to collect my enrolment package, which consists of:
1/ random flyers to join the guilds
2/ booklets/handbooks
3/ uni acceptance letter
4/ enrolment form
5/ more random things i havent taken a look at.
anyway, back to my story. have i mentioned how close my house is to uni? its like a stone's throw away (literally. i just cross a small road and i'm In The Uni already. even with the distance in which andrea can throw a stone. btw, is that grammatically correct?). BUT, the thing is, even if i get into uni, i cant find my way around just yet, so i had to pause frequently to look at the maps just to get to hackett hall to get my enrolment package. and wonders of wonders, (i BELIEVE its because of the lack of sleep.) i got lost. almost. hahaha, but anyway, to cut the long story short, i'm Home! safe and sound. :D arent you proud of me.. teehee! i knew i had great navigational skills, i bet i can qualify to be in girl guides! :D i can beat a scout anyday, haha.
i was thinking of going grocery shopping after this entry, because the fridge is empty and i will get hungry rather soon, and i better stock the fridge otherwise later at night i cant find any food and Then i'll have to trek to northbridge to find expensive restaurant food which will Not Be Good At All. such a waste of money! and besides, i have no idea how to get there. so yes, off to find iga at broadway shopping ctr, with Will's helpful directions. (hehheh)
krissy; (: back in perth says:
how do i get to the iga near esther's house?will says:
u dunno where? hmm.will says:
interesting.krissy; (: back in perth says:
i know where
krissy; (: back in perth says:
just dont know how to get therewill says:
aiyah the same lah!!!
will says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
i want turkish bread!
krissy; (: back in perth says:
not the same! hahahah
krissy; (: back in perth says:
i know how to get there from esther's house, not from deb's
will says:
haha ok. u walk down out from ur house turn to your left (right would be motorola building, yes?)krissy; (: back in perth says:
yah, haha
will says:
u'll see anz rightkrissy; (: back in perth says:
dont know
will says:
!!krissy; (: back in perth says:
i saw the motorola building on the way backwill says:
ok turn left
will says:
walk straight
will says:
u'll reach the junction of cooper (ur street) and broadway... anz is just in front of u...
will says:
but that's not impt. turn left, and u'll walk down broadway till u'll see it
will says:
it's 88
krissy; (: back in perth says:
will says:
u DONT have to cross any roadkrissy; (: back in perth says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
soooowill says:
88 Broadway is the addresskrissy; (: back in perth says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
from my house
krissy; (: back in perth says:
walk down, turn left, walk straight, turn left
krissy; (: back in perth says:
first turn left at motorola building
krissy; (: back in perth says:
second turn left at anz?
krissy; (: back in perth says:
will says:
no no no... ok i'll say againkrissy; (: back in perth says:LOL okay! then??will says:
u walk down
will says:
then u walk in ur left direction, cos right is motorola and uwa right?
krissy; (: back in perth says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
so walk away from motorola!will says:
yes yes
will says:
then after u take a very short walk, like 30 seconds or so. will says:
u'll reach the junction of cooper st and broadway... ur landmark is the anz bank right across the street... but u dun have to cross anything, i'm just telling u u'll see anz
will says:
if u turn left, u are down on broadway already... just walk all the way straight till u see bdway shopping ctrkrissy; (: back in perth says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
krissy; (: back in perth says:
i'll tryLOL, yes lets see where kristi ends up today shall we? :D you have to forgive kristi though! its not as if kristi stayed in this area ever before! its my first time! (i seriously hope i dont get lost.) muahahahahah! at least kristi's not laying supine (psst psst, word of the day! :D) at home like in singapore! kristi has something to do! :D
(i'm talking in third person! like that weird patient in greys! haahhahahaha)
a shout of praise.
8:47 AM
Saturday, January 20, 2007: I'M BORED
i know i have been out everyday, but still. i'm bored. i want school i want school!!
went out with judy yesterday to go help her get material for her sewing. haha. she's going to be ambitious and sew herself a bag and a purse! so we went to arab street and she bought some pretty cloth and ribbons (: we walked so much! from city hall, to concourse, to the army market place to have lunch, to arab street to get material, to raffles hospital to use the toilet, to bras basah to look at cross stitching stuff for me but then it was too ex to buy, then to bugis (and we went the wrong way toward city hall, so we had to u-turn) to go window shopping, where we would hai and sigh when we look at the prices and we would always say, "so expensive, go back to perth and buy lah". yes, was a pretty walk a lot day yesterday. (:
then we had cell. rather solid i say. so sad, its my last day at cell before i go back. ): but then, there's ocf bs mtgs when school starts again, so its okay. (: i'll survive.
oh yes, before i met judy i went to metafusion to go visit some ex-collegues as well! just to say bye and all, and catch up before i leave. so sad, they're so nice and friendly. ): i miss them. but but! they said that maybe i can go back to help them out again when i come back! YAY, hopefully lah. if uncle francis allows (x
had 8 outing today! minty and laura couldnt come though. then claire and mey had to leave halfway. ): ah well. was good catching up with everyone! haha. (: i miss 4b1 so much! i miss miss tan cg, mr yeo th! ): and all our subject teachers. haiiii.
going back in a few days time. ): so fast. i'm going to miss everyone again. at least this round its not going to be as bad as it was this time last year. haha. its okay, God has a future for me, He has plans to prosper me. (: so i'm going to make sure this year is going to be well spent and fruitful! (:
a shout of praise.
3:42 PM
Thursday, January 18, 2007: i need You
To all of the people with burdens and painsKeeping you back from your lifeYou believe that there's nothing and there is no oneWho can make it rightThere is hope for the helplessRest for the wearyLove for the broken heartThere is grace and forgivenessMercy and healingHe'll meet you wherever you areCry out to Jesus, Cry out to JesusWhen you're lonely And it feels like the whole world is falling on youYou just reach out, you just cry out to JesusCry to JesusFather i just pray Lord that You give us all the strength to carry on Lord. Lord i just pray for Your guidance, Your counsel, Your peace, Your grace. Lord, i just pray Father that you rest in our hearts and teach us to be still, so that we can soar with You on eagles' wings above the clouds that hid the narrow path from us God. i pray Lord that we will not be quick to judge, not eager to get angry but Lord, i just pray for Your heavenly wisdom, Your patience, and above all, Your love Lord, because without Your love for us, we cannot learn how to love others. So i pray Lord, and commit this circumstance into Your hands Lord, because Lord, in our weakness we see Your power working in our lives God, and Father we lean on Your knowledge which surpasses all understanding. Father You are sovereign, and God, only You know the solution to this problem. oh Father, i pray that You be with us Lord, as You have been through all the similar problems that have arose. God i hope and pray that something better will come soon Lord. i just commit all these into Your hands God.
God He reignsGod He reignsHoly is the Lord of heavenGod He reignsGod He reignsForever moreAll i need is You LordAll i need is You
a shout of praise.
9:40 PM
AH, this morning i had to think about what majors i want to do for uni, so i can select my units for year 1, and ahhh! so stress. i cant really decide.
before i even got into UWA, i decided on:
1/ International Business Economics (B.Ec)
2/ Accounting (B.Cm)
3/ Finance (B.Cm)
and then lo and behold, there are like 2 types of accounting (financial/managerial), and 3 types of finance(corporate/investment/quantitative)! AHHH. how to make a choice now! plus, Money and Banking (B.Ec), Management (B.Cm) and HR Management (B.Cm) look quite appealing too! help! ): they all look so interesting (actually the titles look interesting, i dont know how the course would be like though. i tend to misjudge and choose wrongly so i'm praying really hard that i'll choose the right major!)
i wish we had introductory lectures so that we'd get a taste of what the subject is like!
i also am wondering:
should i choose subjects that have different units?
reason: so that i get more breadth
orshould i choose subjects that have similar units (most have similar units in year 1, then in level 2&3 some have similar units)?
reason: so that i wont be so stressed in my first year, having to cope with so many majors (3!!!), which means alot to study for for exams each sem!
God please help me make the right decision.. ):
but for now, i think i'll be looking at:
1/International Business Econs
2/Financial Accounting
3/Finance (Corporate)
DIE lah, i have to decide sooooonnnn ): God save meeee.
(but at least i'm not so bad, haha, at least i've got my uni sorted out. unlike some friends of mine who cant decide on which uni (they got multiple offers interstate) they want since they're all quite good and have their good points, and they have to decide sooner than i do cos they have to book their flights too. haha! oh no, poor them)
a shout of praise.
11:24 AM
we love the singapore lions (:
today was one of the rare few times where i actually watched a whole soccer match, and concentrated hard. today, i went for the Singapore vs Indonesia ASEAN football championships at the National Stadium. few words to describe? bench clinging, heart stopping, stomach flipping match. perhaps it was the sheer thought of Singapore losing to a foreign team, perhaps it was due to the atmosphere of the stadium, where everyone was rooting and hoping that we would get into the semis.
i think one thing that really struck me most today about the match was the passion for the game, how the fans are so eager to support and to cheer our team on, and to go wild each time we score a goal. today's game reminded me of Rev Wee Boon Hup's message at Fusion: there's a good passion, and there is also a bad passion. perhaps its not really my position to judge, but i guess today was a really good illustration to the whole message. on one hand, while i think its perfectly fair to be happy when we score a goal, or to be disappointed when the opponents do likewise. however, where do we draw the line? how do i ensure that my passion for something doesnt turn into overzealousness that i end up cursing and swearing and booing the other team?
perhaps in the heat of the moment, frustration leads to outward expression of the anger welled up inside.
but still, what did the poor referee do to warrant such an unpleasant (and constant) boo from the audience? i felt really sorry for the ref just now. but like i said, perhaps its not my opinion to judge, since i dont know the rules of the game, what constitutes a foul, or when a card needs to be pulled out. haii, poor guy.
and Oh No, the poor indonesian team.
one thing i realised, was that i dont know what its like to really be passionate about something. i am so... lifeless sometimes. maybe thats why i dont understand how some people can be so.. ON about everything that has to do with their passion. like the soccer fans just now. how they're so obssessed with the game, how the sg team has to win, how badly the ref judged (okay, some instances were quite badly handled), how protective they are to the indo team.
but i guess, good sportsmanship, as i understand it to be, does not mean screaming "balik kampong" to the indo team when we "won" (we drew, but we scored more points overall to get into the semifinals) and rubbing it into their faces. neither is it saying the ref was unfair when the indos pulled a shirt or tripped a sg player, when a sg player did the same to the indo guy and instead was cheered on for. (okay did that make sense?)
but anyway, what i'm trying to say is, i feel sorry for the indo team and the refs ): and that overzealousness can end up hurting other people, especially when a whole stadium-full of home supporters diss an indo player together.
haii, but oh well. quite an eyeopener lah, and a fun day out. (:
got to start packing stuff for tues. so many things to get ready for. UNI ENROLMENT! hai so fast. 2 months, just like that. and i wont even get to see the football finals. boo ):
a shout of praise.
12:40 AM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007: its all in God's plan

thank You God for Your wonderful providence! (:
uni offers are out and i got into the course that i applied for. yay, i cant wait for uni to start!, although it might seem a little daunting, i pray that God will carry me through what He has put me through. (:
hurrah, i feel so happy. (: a week more till i get enrolled into UWA! :D
and ahh, went shopping with kaye today, feel so accomplished! (: caught up a little with her too today, seemed like eons since we've caught up because of school ): and i'm leaving so soon, its so sad! ): i'm going to miss her so muchhh!
guess what, i'm going to a soccer game tmr! :D okay, so not that exciting for me, since i really dont understand the sport but it's a major achievement to be going for one. hahaha, and i have to be really patriotic and cheer for the Singapore team. i wonder what will happen if i start cheering for indo. hahah! :D i think everyone will like stare at me as if i got some major disease or something! like how sarah cheered for chelsea and everyone else wanted to murder her. haha, but yeah, i should right! poor indo wont have anyone cheering for them. :P i think i'm asking for trouble. hahah!
yay, so exciting, UWA~~~~!!!! i cant wait i cant waittt. :D
a shout of praise.
8:01 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007: to break the hiatus...
dont really feel the urge to blog because i have to spend alot of time thinking about what to blog about. i really wanted to blog about fusion, but then now that it has passed, i cant really remember my exact feelings about it, and to write it now, would mean my account of it wouldnt be as accurate as i felt on that day. oh woe be to my atrocious short-term memory! how forgetful i am.
anyway, i shall give a short account of it anyway:
in essence, fusion 2007 was pretty good, i feel! especially the saturday programme. i was placed in the youth leadership workshop in the end. and i must admit, despite feeling rather unhappy about not getting into the youth outreach one, in the end, pastor benny ho really kept me fuelled up for discipleship and to grasp a better concept of why there is a need to be discipled and mentored to. i feel more equipped and challenged to disciple someone in the years to come in OCF. hopefully i will be a useful vessel of God in this area! actually come to think about it, God really knows what is best for me at the right time. if you look back a few posts earlier, i couldnt decide on which workshop to go to and i was praying for Him to close the door to one. perhaps this was the closed door.. i wonder if it was coincidence, or an answered prayer. but ah well, what is important is that i benefit from fusion, and i say! i did! (: so that was good.
i think another important thing i've learnt through this period of time was to not judge people so easily. all along i've been pretty skeptical towards other people, especially in their sense of worship to God, and rather adamant that my gut feeling towards their expression is a correct reflection of their true inner feelings. i felt rather guilty actually, when i felt convicted of this overly critical habit of mine, and i was reminded of the verses that i came across during QT a few nights ago.
" You therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, becuase you who pass judgment do the same things. Now we know that God's judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realising that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. God will give to each person according to what he has done. To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self seeking and who reject truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger." Romans 2:1-8
so yes, less judgment from me! God will do the judging. i should seek the right things to please God!
this week is like, the last full week left in singapore! i dont know if i should spend it resting or going out as much as possible with friends. BUT, i guess i cant really hang out with j2s anymore since sch has started and poly people have exams. haii, oh well! how quick time passes, its been 2 months, almost, in singapore already. so much accomplished, so much memories in just this short period of time. blah! how sad that i have to leave so soon! oh well, but i guess if even if i leave in feb i will still harbour the same mixed feelings about leaving, so no difference! so i guess i have to be forward looking! and be excited for uni (:
cant wait to go prowling for food in geylang with the ocf-ers on wed night (: how exciting!
a shout of praise.
6:13 PM
Thursday, January 11, 2007: high on muddy mud pie :D
AH today was such a fun day (:
1/ went out with aunty karen and michelle for lunch at joo chiat/east coast road there, and we had chicken rice with veg and tofu (: was yummy and very good! (: i love my chicken rice!! was a good chat & catching up with them.
2/ went out with raymond and judy to go shopping! so fun (: i love going shopping! just got no money only lah, so abit saddd. haha! but i got my pencil box for uni! (: it was on sale at the christian bookstore and me and judy got matching ones, different colour only! its so cute (: we hung around far east alot, walking up an down aimlessly and just chatting. was pretty good! we shared alot too, i feel! cant wait till i next see them! we're going to arab street to get judy's sewing stuff (: she's going to help me make a necklace too, so funky!
they had their chicken rice for dinner and bubble tea and fried mars bars, and me as usual tried their food :P then me and judy were talking about getting a job in perth. so fun! since we stay so close to each other now, and we're in the same school! it will be quite cool to get the same job! then she can give me a lift to work too (if we're in the same shift!) so yah. quite funnn (:
we had coffee club at holland after with joshua tan and another one of their currie hall friends! was talking about perth and all. so exciting, i'll be meeting so many new people next year! actually i cant wait for uni. its quite boring at home, with nothing to do. i guess it wont be so bad if i actually had school here, but i dont anymore, so ): haii. i need something to complain about i guess! (okay, i know complaining isnt good, but i just need something to do!) i cant wait to study! :D
FUSION TMR! hohum (:
so exciting, going for the night rally! our cell is going out for a light dinner first (at 430pm, haii, so early) for some cell bonding. i think we need to do things more as a cell! (: although a bit exclusive lah, but still! we're a cell! and we need to start getting comfortable if we're going to learn to open up with each other! (: and then going for fusion, and perhaps supper if everyone's hungry. fun fun fun (:
then on sat, i'm going for the workshop. according to bryan hoo, youth outreach is too full and there might not be space for me. maybe that wasnt for me after all! but i'll keep praying, maybe i can get a space in it! and for sam and sarah too! please please please! ):
a shout of praise.
10:37 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007: count up.
1 day to lunch with mich and aunty karen (:
2 days to pre-conference for fusion
3 days to fusion
4 days to lunch with sarah and chris and zong
5 days to lunch with zhen and rachel @ mg (:
7 days to uni offers
10 days to reunion dinner (:
11 days to last sunday in church, last day at games ):
12 days to last day in singapore ):
13 days to farewell ):
14 days to perth & registering for uni
16 days to australia day with everyone (:
18 days to being back at subi & seeing jeannie @ church
19 days to find a job
28 days to daddy's birthday
30 days to my 18th birthday with daddy, joash, jeannie, glenna (:
45 days left of school-less days, start of uni, start of hard work ):
166 days to WINTER CAMP (:
312 days till i next return
oh God grant me the strength to go through all this without falling away.
a shout of praise.
11:06 AM
life seems to have taken on the same toll as it did ages ago, and truthfully, it sucks to go through all of it over again. thankfully, this time, i'm not here to face the full blow of it, but Father help me draw strength from You.
Blessed are those who dwell in Your houseThey are ever praising YouBlessed are those whose strength is in YouWhose hearts are set on our GodWe will go from strength to strengthTill we see You face to faceHear our prayerO Lord God AlmightyCome bless our land as we seek You, worship YouFor You are HolyFor You are HolyFor You are Holy, Lord
a shout of praise.
9:49 AM
"If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth." Deut 28:1
i was just thinking:
obedience to God is so difficult sometimes - when you get angry, when you get irritated, when you get upset, when things dont go the way you want it to, when all fails and you just feel like there's no hope, when life seems like its all gone wrong, when you get bullied, when you feel wronged, when you feel tempted, when you need to speak up but you are afraid and there's just so many more scenarios that its not funny.
i just thank God that He's such a gracious and forgiving God in these times where we forget to obey, forget to listen to His calming voice. i thank You for Your everlasting love:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away." 1st cor 13:4-8
now its my turn to reflect His love.
a shout of praise.
12:03 AM
Tuesday, January 9, 2007: fusion dilemma

i cant decide which workshop to go for for fusion.
there's the two options which i really like:
1. Youth Leadership: Mentoring great disciples
i guess this is a very important aspect in any church, because as the older youth of the church, it is important and the onus is on us to learn how to mentor the younger generation, so i think its important because as people who are going to lead the youths in the coming year and onwards, i need the training to do so. the only thing drawing me back is that i am still in the midst of being discipled to in perth and also i'm not really here to mentor the younger ones in church anyway. being in perth makes me one of the younger people in OCF this year and i guess it is of slightly less importance compared to Youth Outreach.
2. Youth Outreach: Evangelism and God's calling
i think this is quite appealing because i this is an area that i've been looking into and been quite interested in for a long while, and evangelism, well lets just say i've been trying hard to learn how to share the gospel with others and i've been finding it quite hard to do so. plus the God's calling one is quite important because i have been asking God about His purpose for me, and i want to learn more about this. this is going to be quite useful for Perth also because in uni its going to be quite challenging cos there's such a variety of religions i feel. it is also going to be rather helpful to OCF too because of the new people in uni and the new people in OCF. it will also help brmc as well, in terms of leadership at camps and to reach out to the younger ones who might be new or less strong in their walk with God.
i think i have to pray somemore about it, although i think its quite obvious which one is more meant for me. i think i'm just afraid cos there's no one else from church going for that one, but yeah i know i shouldnt be afraid, because God will provide for me, and after all i'm there to learn, but it helps when there are friends there right? mmm. sigh. i wonder if God will get disappointed if i dont choose the right course.
we'll see. pray for me.
a shout of praise.
5:17 PM
Monday, January 8, 2007: deepest darkest fear.
daily bread, nov 13, 2003.It is believed that David wrote Psalm 57 while fleeing from King Saul, who had hatred in his heart for the former shepherd boy. David ducked into a cave and barely escaped his pursuer. He was safe temporarily, but the threat was still there.
We've all been there. Maybe not in a cave, but pursued by something that strikes fear into our hearts. Perhaps it is the deep sorrow that follows the death of someone we love. Maybe it's the fear of an unknown future. Or it could be an oppressive physical illness that won't go away.
In such circumstances, God does not always remove the difficulty, but He is present to help us. We wish that He would swoop in and whisk us to safety—just as David may have wished for a quick end to Saul's pursuit. We plead with God to stop the pain and make the road to tomorrow smooth and straight. We beg Him to eliminate our struggle. But the difficulty remains. It is then that we have to take refuge in God as David did. While hiding in that cave, he said, "In the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by" (Psalm 57:1).
Are you in the middle of trouble? Take refuge in the Most High God.
when your way seems darkest,
When your eyes with tears are dim,
Straight to God your Father hastening,
Tell your troubles all to Him.
i think i need to talk to God more about this fear of mine.
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the scripture says "Anyone who trusts in Him will nevr be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, for "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
" Romans 10:9-13
Dear Father i pray Lord that You help me turn back to You when i feel weak or afraid Lord. i pray God that i will be made strong in You and find refuge in You always Lord. i pray that i will be like david Lord, who never fails to talk to You Lord about His suffering, i pray you grant me the courage to face my fears, Lord and i pray Father that i will draw near to You through all these. God i pray that You will shine through the darkness Lord and Lord You will guide me through all this. Lord God, thank You so much.
"You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. They are from the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world and the world listens to them. We are from God and whoever knows God listens to us but whoever is not from God does not listen to us." 1st John 4:4-6
a shout of praise.
11:54 AM
Sunday, January 7, 2007: 4 grey walls and 2 ceilings
well, its been another very long and tiring day (notice the trends) but okay, i think its just been rather physically tiring more than anything else these past few days, what with the cycling and long distance walking; but i think today was one of the more strenuous days of this week.
i think i pretty much hate hospitals.
maybe its the whole idea of waiting, pacing up and down, sitting on hard chairs - ps, its very uncomfortable btw, looking at your watch every 5 mins, calling people on the phone to rush them that scares me. so i dont do it. i just sit there. and watch people.
i dont like it either how the nurses and the doctors can be so calm after watching someone being pushed into A&E. i guess perhaps they are rather used to the whole scenario, with the anxious, impatient family members waiting around, and the patient who for all you know has a branch piercing through his body (courtesy of grey's anatomy) and are suffering from the sheer pain and they still can be so calm with their procedures and say, madam, please sit down for 5 more minutes okay? then you can see him. i guess, what can they do but be calm so that the people waiting around will be more assured that things have a possibility of going well. there's nothing that they can do anyway.
i dont like blood and gore. i dont like viruses, bacteria, nor fungi. (okay i had to add in the fungi, we learnt that as part of microorgs in bio in sec4)
i get quite annoyed easily with emotional people, like myself. sometimes at least.
i dont like waiting.
i think watching greys anatomy is so much less complicated than actually being in a hospital. its so much more drama, so much more.. makebelieve. okay who am i kidding. it IS fake.
okay, i dont feel like blogging anymore.
i'm rather exhausted.
more tmr (:
a shout of praise.
10:52 PM
Saturday, January 6, 2007: dinner moments
omg, 3rd post today. i think i've done alot of thinking today! aiyo, dont really know if thats good or bad. oh well!
anyway, i was just thinking, just now when both my parents and i went out for dinner, back to a conversation i had a few days ago, one where we were talking about families and i remember vaguely something like this:
person: i think you are quite blessed, your family is quite close.
me: oh really ah, haha, i guess so!
i think looking at things from an outsider's perspective, everything might seem rather rosy and happy, and sure we do have our quarrels and all, but we always make up and i know i'm able to share freely with my family members, i can talk sanely with my parents, i hardly quarrel with them and everything. but i guess sometimes for me from an insider's perspective, things arent quite the same scenario. i dont know what to think sometimes, sometimes i get tired of playing the mediator, and i must say i'm quite guilty of taking sides quite easily without even getting a clear picture of what is happening between everyone. but the tension i feel is the worst. perhaps its just what my extra sensitive radar tells me, that something fishy is definitely going on, but i dont know just what to think sometimes. i mean even between my friends, my radar just picks up the wrong signals. but sigh.
i was just thinking during dinner, maybe God gave me extra sensitivity for a reason. perhaps it is to sense the rough picture of what people are feeling, not entirely what they are going through, but more of how they are feeling. and i guess, its been quite difficult. now thinking about it, i think i quite resent the fact that if God truly gave me this 'gift'. in a way, i feel, for rather selfish reasons, that when i'm extra sensitive, i tend to be very self conscious, in a sense that i overly think about what people are thinking of me. in That particular way, i dont exactly love the extra sensitivity. but then i thought, if this was a gift, God meant for me to use it for His will, His will being to Help Other Believers and Nonbelievers, not to just Help Myself. as you can see, i'm still learning, how to die to my worldly self, and to live in His image, to live out His purposes.
and then on the car ride back i thought about how i keep comparing my life to others. sure, i'm envious of other people when they have super close parents who have a very strong marriage, when they have money to live a luxurious life, to have a loving family, to have a sister to borrow pretty clothes from, to have a brother who looks out for them, to have a nice house, even to have maids and a chauffeur. okay looking at this list, i'm starting to feel rather guilty for being so worldly for some, but i guess who wouldnt like these things!
i guess what i'm trying to say is, i compare. and as i thought about it, i was reminded of what i thought about before - about how from an outsider's POV everything can seem aokay, but underneath everything might be crumbly. i guess everyone has problems! so i shouldnt take things at face value, i need to learn how to be content. trust me, i feel blessed enough already for the things that God has provided me with. but i guess, after being in this world for so long, i tend to long for things that other people might have that i dont. and i think i should remember the people worse off than me: the poor, the sick, the addicted.
and then i felt that comparing in itself isnt that bad, if for the right reasons. (correct me if i say this wrongly, i dont exactly know how to put it in words.) if you compare yourself to someone who is stronger in faith than you and seeing that person being so on fire, so full of the Holy Spirit that you see something in him/her that you desire after comparing your walk with him/her. Following that if comparing challenges you to grow more in your faith and walk with God, purely because you want that same spirit in you, then i think, its fine. but i think we need to be careful, what will harm through comparing is the fact that comparing worldly things might make us lose sight of the reason why we are placed here on earth; so that we can testify to the world of God's greatness and goodness, and in doing so bring others to Him, serving His greater purpose.
which reminds me, someone, in a blog i read, argued that christianity is restricting the freedom we get to and i quote "live the way he or she wants it", because if we dont believe in Christ we are "drowned in eternal damnation". i felt quite frustrated reading the person's blog because ultimately, what the person said was defying everything i believe in, and i had to admit, i dont have enough bible knowledge to refute (in my heart, cos i didnt dare tag) what the person was saying. i guess ultimately how i define freedom in God's purpose is that i am set free from the world and its values and attitudes because i believe in Jesus Christ, and i am not condemned to hell after i die. i have the freedom through Christ, so that i can freely be the light on the hill that shines for God and testify to others about Him.
but i digressed from my topic. again. i think i just wante to say something about what i read, cos i was really frustrated.
anyway, so yes. the car ride back from dinner was pretty reflective. i thought and thought. and i was thinking, i think i shouldnt refuse to use the gifts that God has blessed me with and i shouldnt be biased about who i use my gift with, because God loves everyone, even those who turn away from Him and thus to be Christlike, i shouldnt be biased but i should love everyone equally because God first loved me.
Jesus i believe in YouJesus i belong to YouYou're the reason that i livethe reason that i singwith all i am(okay i think i should stop making my posts so long, because i think people get tired of reading, i know i would. haha!)
a shout of praise.
7:31 PM
yes i must admit, sitting at home is quite boring, with no entertainment but the internet. and since i dont like waiting for youtube to load shows, i dont do porn, neither do i surf ebay, i dont go hunting for songs/movies to download, or even go on irc or whatever they call it now, all i do is blogsurf and blog.
i think blogsurfing is a pretty interesting hobby. sure some might say, you're just being kaypoh lah. i dare say i have to admit that there is some element of being nosey and wanting to know more about the people i dont know very well, or to check for clues about some rumors that have been spreading around. for that, yes, i have to agree that i can be quite kaypoh at times. but more of late, i think one of the reasons that i choose to blogsurf, is to get to understand people better, to understand what they are going through, to see what they've been doing with their lives. and since i'm not a person who easily reads into people's behaviour or characters, i read blogs to get an idea of how a person is like.
blogs, i find, is a medium of communication. for me, i guess, a place to rejoice, a place where my thoughts can find solace, somewhere where i can just spill out my feelings (although not everything) without actually seeing how someone will react to what i say or how i feel. becuase as we all know, sometimes what we say can hurt, what we say can be mean, even if at times we dont mean it in a certain way. so i guess for me, blogging is my outlet for my thoughts, at least most of the time. i think also because since young its been quite difficult for me to express my feelings in words. its mostly through physical action: throwing a temper, kicking up a big fuss, kicking something, being unhappy, being happy, being crazy, though touch. perhaps that is what made me the way i am today. touchy-feely? :/ i guess thats been an old habit, thats why i find it hard to not express my feelings through action. but the blog serves a greater purpose! it helps me express better i guess, helps me to pen down (or rather, type down) my thoughts and feelings, so i think i'm slowly starting to express myself better, in words, not through action. i guess you could always ask me to write in a diary, but i must say, the feel is completely different. because i guess the thought of someone reading my blog just makes me want to write more in it, compared to a diary. trust me, i've tried. writing by hand just doesnt appeal to me. typing is so much more.. cool.
in another sense, my blog also is a way for me to communicate to others about whats been going on with my life. in my opinion, i think blogs are the best invention ever, after the airconditioner and the internet. because what are blogs without the internet? and i think i wouldnt be able to live, at least not in singapore, and definitely not during summer in perth, without my dearest airconditioner. but i digress.
the point of all these blog&blogsurfing thingamagies that i'm talking about is, i came across a blog that made me feel scared. not in a bad way, i mean. (but then again, if you feel scared, how can it not be bad?) okay, afraid for that person - and i dont really know this person very well, but i have been hearing things about him. what is happening to him? why does he feel like this? how is he coping? i really do hope he's okay.
mmm, sometimes i wonder how much i should care for others. i wonder where the line lies, the limit that i should reach. how do i help someone? how can i support someone, especially someone of the opposite sex? i dont know how, and i pray that God will equip me, with wisdom, with the right words, with discernment, with timing, with love, with confidence.
but again, i digress.
i dont know, life seems so complicated sometimes. how others can go through such crap and others can live a life of such completeness and contentment (maybe its just the exterior, i'm sure everyone has struggles, perhaps its not just as bad as the people who suffer so much). sometimes i wonder if its fair to them, but i guess the world isnt fair huh? i mean, this is after all the world we are talking about. perhaps God made the world unfair so that we will be more inclined to turn to Him to seek for help! (but thats just my opinion, not quoted out of the bible! so dont quote me)
anyway, life is weird. and i think its meant to be. but no worries brothers and sisters! we are called to persevere!
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4
(ps, i wonder how i got to this? i was talking about blogging, and it wasnt even supposed to be about myself :/ frustrated! but oh well! just another part of my randomness. what to do! *shrugs )
a shout of praise.
5:07 PM
someone's watching over me (:
had study group lunch today, and i think it was a pretty good chance to catch up with one another, especially with mikey, cos he's never around in singapore. and so, the 5 (yes 5, cos james had swimming trg, and clem had soccer matches) had lunch and talke quite abit. about jc, about australia, about scandals, about anything. i'm thankful that we still keep in touch after so long! (: i expect that there's a rise and fall for every group of friends that we have. thankfully our fall, i feel, wasnt as steep.
was walking back with mikey, and we were talking about some friends of ours, and we were chatting away catching up with each other. i guess the whole talk brought back so many memories of my past. the friends i chose to make, the friendships i chose to keep. i guess along the way, alot of decisions i made were made out of rashness, some out of long contemplation. but i guess alot of the times in the past i never thought that much before jumping to conclusions, before jumping into making decisions. i never bothered to consider feelings, i never bothered to make sense of what would come. but i guess things happened and there's really nothing much i can do about it all, except hope and pray that a better time will come for all of us. at least there's still the confidence that we can hope for something better, and that God can and will provide us with the means to getting to that something better.
the stages of my life have shifted alot, and i as i thought about it just now i really wonder how i got to where i am today. i think its truly by God's grace that i still am saved today, that i still can stand up and say that i have eternal life because i chose to believe. looking back, i'm thankful for God's calling even after making so many wrong decisions, making so many mistakes, choosing the wrong path to follow. i'm thankful that God never gave up on building me up.
i remember in primary school i was very rebellious. i never liked doing work, i always played. i talked back, i believed strongly that my way was the right way. i liked to please my friends, i was proud. there were things i did that i wish i never did, because my life might have been very different if i didnt. alot of regrets i know, but looking back i feel very happy that God hasnt forsaken me, He has never left me alone. i know i've been saying that alot, but i think God has been slowly revealing that to me so that i can learn to trust Him more, so that i can surrender everything to Him. and yes, i think even though i still have more to learn and be reminded of, i think i can say that slowly, i feel that i can let God handle my life, learn to be at peace with myself.
this year, i'm embarking on a new journey: university, new friends, new subjects, projects, assignments, winter camp, OCFbs, glenna-jeannie-kristi bs, holidays on my own, learning, living, sharing, loving. i think life is going to be pretty exciting, new prospects, big changes. but i believe God has something big instore for me this year. thank You God for giving me chances.
how timely itunes can be again! it played
friends in high places. (:
Well I was in need and I needed a friend
I was alone and I needed a hand
I was going down
But someone rescued me
My God cares too much to say
His mercies are new everyday
I get down to pray
And then help is on its wayI walk by faith and not by sight
If things go wrong, it'll be alright
'Cause someone greater
Is watching over me
Now in faith, I believe
I've got everything I need
I walk by faith and not by what I see
I've got friends in high places
I've got someone I can call
And I've got someone watching over meyes i've got someone watching over me (:
a shout of praise.
3:19 PM
its been a long and tiring day today. but i dare say it was a pretty reflective one!
went cycling with glenna and jeannie in the morning at PASIR RIS PARK, 10 am. so yes, lazy me had to get up at 8 am to be on time. and already lacking sleep, i made my way down to pasir ris blurry-ly, looking for the two friends, who live like, at the most 20 mins away by public transport from the interchange. ): it took me a whole 1 hr and 20 mins. hais. public transport these days - time consuming + expensive. what to do! made our way down to PRP, and rented bikes. the uncle kindly gave us an hour free, "rent for 1 hour, give you another hour free!" but i suspect he forsaw that we could not last past an hour in the first place so he said he'd give us an hour free just to spite us. sigh. we really didnt last past an hour. i lasted 15-20 mins before i started complaining. it was quite bad! the seat was quite hard, so naturally, my butt started to ache. and i dont know how come the gears couldnt change; partially i didnt realise the gears were at the hardest level until really late after, so i pedalled most of the way with the heavy bike, and my legs were so sore that when i got off the bike 20 mins later my legs were wobbly. and i swear, my hands couldnt clench! i was THAT tired. oh well, i supposed that either means that:
1, i'm really unfit, OR
2, i did really hardcore exercise today!
and i do choose to believe in the latter. so anyways, after deciding that we should stop cycling, we returned the bike 1 hour after we rented it, just so we could make our $5 worth, and we went back to the comfort of our aircon at white sands. i guess we all couldnt stand the heat! i sure miss the weather back in perth! (: never rains, never too hot (except when it goes past 40), windy, just right. (:
we did the final part of discipleship after a good lunch, after we all regained our energy. we reflected on the past year, and i'm glad to say both jeannie and i learnt a whole lot from just being in perth for a year! and i'm pretty glad for the both of us that we have each other as support, that we have each other to guide each other in school, in the BH, over the weekends! (: she's really such a good accountability partner that i have! and i thank God for blessing me with her, so we can share our walks with each other! not to mention glenna, who's always been there to mentor the both of us, she's really been such a great help! arranging discipleship classes, providing us with transport (thats why she's our chauffeur!), being our accountability partner, being our friend, showing us ard, its been really great!
it just shows how much God has really provided and surrounded me with the right people and i'm glad that he has given me so much! (: now i hope i can do the same for the newcomers to perth, to share my story with them, so i can testify to His goodness and grace to them. i pray that these newcomers will have an awesome time in perth, learning about God's providence (:
cell tonight was quite deep, in a sense that what justin shared with us today was jam-packed with information. i have to admit, after such a gruelling and long day i was pretty tired and i was definitely zoning in and out of the whole of cell that i only caught bits and pieces! no excuses though, i should have paid more attention. but i guess partially cos we went through some of it the previous friday so i thought it wasnt really worth listening too, though now looking back i dont feel extremely proud of my decision, but i guess since its now in the past what to do, i guess i can learn from it!
closing prayer was open, and after maurice prayed i sensed that i should pray, and things were popping up in my brain, like what to pray for and stuff, but then i rejected those thoughts, thinking, what happens after i say those few points? the awkward pause with nothing to say; so i just prayed for it quietly. and then charlotte prayed, and she did touch those points that i thought of. and then after charlotte, again i felt the motioning to pray. but again i refused to and i just prayed inwardly. and then ian closed.
one thought just came to me then, about how much i talk about needing to be more obedient and listening out for God's voice and yet, do i actually do what He has revealed to me? i couldnt even do such a simple thing like pray boldly in front of my cell group. i felt really bad after, like why couldnt i pray? why didnt i pray? why do i always back out from God's instructions and hiding in my own comfort zone? why didnt i say something which God so obviously asked me to say, why couldnt i say it?
glenna reflected today that one thing she learnt in 2006 was to continually be willing to step out of her comfort zone so that we can do God's work. now thinking about it, i think i need to be able to step out of my comfort zone. perhaps i dont trust God enough, trust that His Holy Spirit will be able to interceed for me, when i dont have the words to continue to pray. i dont recognise enough that God is the one Almighty Lord, that only He has perfect timing, and He needs to use me (or rather, anyone) to speak of His goodness.
i think one more thing i need to learn is to trust God enough to lead me places, so that i dont have to be afraid to step out of my comfort zone. jeannie said something rather important today: she learnt this year that if God brought her to it, He will bring her through it. i guess that's what i need to learn to trust God for! that if God led me, i dont think there would be anything to difficult for me to overcome with His power!
so yes, i think today was a really big day of learning for me. of recognising what God has done for me in the past year, and of believing now, what God can do for me in this new year. so (: i need to learn to surrender to God's purpose. like i said, i thank God that He never fails, even when i do! and He always calls me back, so yeah, thank You so much my dear God! (: praise You!
a shout of praise.
12:59 AM
Thursday, January 4, 2007: oh my kokocops!
i think i need to expand my vocabulary. its getting so... limited. so okay, i've decided. i shall try to use the WOTD everyday, so then i can use all the big big words. i mean, after all i put the WOTD up there so i should use it right! (: okay. so todays word, punctilio.
punctilio \punk-TIL-ee-oh\, noun:
1. A fine point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or procedure.
2. Strictness or exactness in the observance of formalities; as, "the punctilios of a public ceremony."
YIKES. what on earth lah, the word is like, how weird. okay i think, forget it. unless comes up with a more sane WOTD that i can actually use on a more daytoday basis, i dont think my vocab will expand that much further.
i think one thing that i'm really grateful to God for is that He never fails me, He's always looking out for me, He's always there to pull me back from falling away, always somehow reminding me to read up on His word, to reflect on my day. i think thats one very important thing that i need to thank God for, for never giving up on me, despite how much i sin, despite how much i disappoint. thank You Lord. (:
and one thing that i CAN be sure of, is that i know God is always by my side. things just fall into place. was talking to
will online last night, and he was saying how marvellous God was, God provided him with the summer school course thing in canberra, which happened to fall nicely right after convention, which is pretty amazing that things turned out so well and especially with the timing and all! (: God has such perfect timing! oh, which reminded me of how God has been working in my life at home and in perth, especially in perth. how God has made all my worries turn out to be for naught, because right from the start He already made the plans right for me. so yeah. (: praise God for all that He has done for me, even when i feel that sometimes i really dont deserve it.
caught up with alot of people today, saw alot of people today. was pretty amazing. met rachel mok and wan sze, two friends i havent caught up with in a REALLY long time, since like probably forever. and then with hannah and kaye. with james. with auntie karen. yeah it was all pretty good time of fellowship! (:
i just hope tmr will be equally fufilling! going cycling with jeannie and glenna, two of my really good friends from perth! lol, should be quite fun (: PLUS,
everyone's in school so the place will be quite nice and quiet! hhehehehe (: anyway! (:
shall go on a walk with my mom! before i put on more weight! ): better lose all i can first before go back otherwise i'll just put it all back on!
18 days!
18 daysss!!!
a shout of praise.
7:48 PM
Wednesday, January 3, 2007: the new UNBORED me (:
mmm, so things havent been too bad so far! i woke up at 1030, then i pace up and down for abit, deciding what i should do.
1. i called melrose to enquire about the volunteer thing, and the lady said call back tmr. ah shucks. nvm, i shall call tmr! actually when i think about it, i really dont know what i'm going to volunteer as. maybe help the kids with homework and all? i dont know! lets see what God has in store for me.
2. then i talked to perth friends for a bit, since we all are doing nothing but bumming around!
3. blog surfed for a little, as usual, being my kaypoh self.
4. decided finally to change my blogskin. and that took i think about an hour plus. hahaha, what a great use of time!
5. and now my dad's buying lunch back for me and my brother! so i shall blog in the meantime.
oh well, i contemplated watching stuff on youtube but i really hate waiting for the whole thing to load so i'll just wait for when i go back to perth to find my friends who have the series. (: hurrah!
a shout of praise.
1:21 PM
i have been doing some serious blog surfing, and i was reading alot of some past schoolmates who are quite the havoc bunch, i guess, pretty much in the clubbing and drinking scene. as i read it i felt more and more tempted to live their life, which seemed to me at that time, certainly more interesting than mine was. it seemed like, their lives was so much more, in a sense, exciting than mine was. i felt like i was somehow denied of my right to party. and the more i surfed, the more i felt pent up emotions: i felt like such a loser, that my life wasnt as interesting and happening like theirs was. it wasnt as glamorous, neither did i have the kind of money they have to live the kind of lavishing lifestyle they lived in. perhaps a tinge of jealousness, at their clothes, their beauty, their figures. worst of all, i felt ashamed that the only thing i can talk about in my blog was about God.
as i looked on, i felt this strange feeling. why was i condemning myself? why should i look down on myself? i am special the way God made me, i have everything i need because i have my God. i find delight in the Lord, i find my purpose in Him who holds my future in His hands. Satan sure has a knack for making me feel incomplete; he knows my weaknesses, he knows where best to make me fall. i cant help but feel disgusted at myself - most of all the devil for leading me into temptation, for making me unaware of the dark corners that he has filled my life with. for making me place worldy values above Christ-like virtues. but,
i know that i am filled by His love (:
i dont feel empty, i dont feel lost
i dont have to find comfort in the arms of someone else
because i know that my God saves, and that He loves me more than anyone else can love me
Do not conform any longer to the parttern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Romans 1:16i am glad that i can feel God starting to change me. i am glad that i always have Him to turn to in times of temptations. (:
i feel better already.
God is good; His love endures forever.
a shout of praise.
2:18 AM
Tuesday, January 2, 2007: hi my name is bored.
i dont know what to say so i'm not really blogging a proper entry today.
yes, i've spent the day gazing at a wide screen tv (was it even a tv?) watching
1, animatrix
2, (temporarily forgot)
3, watched carmen: a hiphopera halfway on channel 5 but decided it was too wrong.
4, the wedding date
oh yes, no 2 was coach carter, some inspiring movie show...
was pretty good day i say, good day to waste since i have nothing better to do.
i should call melrose tomorrow. hopefully i start on thurs.
mmm, i realise i have exactly 3 weeks left, 21 days.
3-will's 19th bbq
4-lunch @ mg with aunty karen, melrose (??)
5-melrose (??), cell
6-study group lunch (:
7-church, grandpa's baptism, games
everyweek's almost the same. haiya, nothing to do nothing to do. everyone's having school. ):
hey it rhymes!
(kristi stop whining.)
okay stopped.
a shout of praise.
7:43 PM
Monday, January 1, 2007: Your creation
AHH, first post of the year :D :D :D :D :D how exciting. :D
well its a new year, new start of something even better, that God has provideth! says pastor malcolm. with new mountains to climb and new peaks to conquer. but i know my God will carry me through everything (: and with him there's no obstacle that will be too difficult for me to yes! i cant wait for the new year to come, i shall anticipate every new day, because each day is a new opportunity to serve my God. (:
this year has been so quick! i cant believe it. and i'm turning 18 soon (yes in a month and 10 days)! although it sounds super exciting, i'm actually quite scared. i dont want to turn 18! too much responsibility and it means i've only got 1 more year as a teen! i'm OLD.
anyway, in other news.

i saw two rainbows today! they were side by side, one was more solid, you'd notice it at first glance. the other, less prominent, you'd have to stare hard to realise that it was there. the rainbows reminded me of God's promises.
the first one reminded me of God's mercy and love for us and that God always keeps His promises (see Genesis 8:20 - 9:17). how after the big flood God made a promise to "never curse the ground because of man, even though every inclination of his heart is evil from childhood." God's love for us is so amazing. He decides to even forgive us, and send Jesus down to die for us so that we can be saved. How wonderful! (:
the fainter one reminded me of God's faithfulness. how sometimes when we fail to look beyond the gloomy clouds, we lose sight of the beautiful rainbow that's always been there: The everlasting promise that God Will be there for us No Matter What. that He's always there looking after us, watching out for us. it reminded me of the footprints in the sand story, about how God's always there, He never left us, instead He was carrying us through the hard times.
so yeah (: just to share. rainbows are so pretty arent they! God's so creative. God really never ceases to amaze me. (:
so i know, i just know, that things will be okay next year! nothing to daunting for me to conquer with the help of God, because God promised! (:
And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempthed, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it 1st Cor 10:13
a shout of praise.
2:16 PM